June 2025 | Leibniz Center for Science and Society, Leibniz University Hannover, (invited)
April 2025 | Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich, (invited)
April 2025 | Society for the Social Studies of Quantification, (invited)
March 2025 | 10th Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Conference, California Institute of Technology
Enhancing the function of case studies: the value of network analysis in integrated history and philosophy of science
February 2025 | Workshop on “Adverse Allies: Logical Empiricism and Austrian Economics,” University of Vienna, (invited)
December 2024 | Center for Higher Education and Science Studies, CHESS Lecture, University of Zurich, (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie?
November 2024 | PSA 29th Biennal Meeting, New Orleans, (poster presentation)
Challenges to model transfer in science
November 2024 | Lunch Seminar, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, (invited)
Model Transfer in the Recent History of Economics: The Case of Rational Choice Models
2024 | XXVI. Deutschen Kongress für Philosophie, University of Münster
Challenges to Model Transfer in Science
2024 | History of Science Research Colloquium, LMU Munich, (invited)
Model transfer in the history of science: The case of game theory
2024 | Philosophy and History of Science Research Colloquium, Technical University Berlin, (invited)
Model transfer in science
2024 | Research Colloquium for Philosophy and History of Science, Ruhr-University Bochum, (invited)
Studying model transfer in science
2024 | Conference "Is Philosophy Useful for Science, and/or Vice versa?", Chapman University, (invited); (here is the video)
Is science useful for philosophy? The case of studying model transfer.
2023 | Social Networks Lab, ETH Zürich, (invited)
Studying model transfer in science
2023 | Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung "Wie entsteht Neues?", University of Zurich, (invited)
Wie entsteht Neues? Potentiale und Herausforderungen von Modelltransfer in der Wissenschaft
2023 | Online Workshop 'Epistemic Transfer', Society for the History of the Humanities, (invited)
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in model transfer
2023 | Forums for Interdisciplinary Dialogue, University of Helsinki, (invited) (here is the video)
Progress in economics (with Marcel Boumans)
2023 | Workshop 'Modelling Knowledge and Evolution of Science', Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, (invited)
The roles of scientific contributions in the transfer of knowledge: Some methodological reflections
2023 | Symposium on 'Framing Digital Philosophy of Science', EPSA23, Belgrade (here is the video)
What empirical network analysis can do for philosophy of science: The case of model transfer
2023 | Online Workshop on Methods in Philosophy of Science, University of Exeter/University of Vienna, (invited)
Bibliometric methods in philosophy of science
2023 | Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz University of Hannover
What empirical network analysis can do for philosophy of science: The case of model transfer
2023 | Philosophy Department, University of Mainz, (invited)
Empirische Netzwerkanalyse als eine Methode der Wissenschaftsphilosophie
2023 | INEM Conference, University of Venice
Book Symposium on "How Economics Can Save the World" (w. Erik Angner, Francesco Guala, Don Ross and Jack Vromen)
2023 | Conference on 'Big Data and the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Toronto [here is the link to the video]
What empirical network analysis can do for philosophy of science: The case of model transfer
2023 | Philosophy Department, Ghent University (invited)
Progress in economics
2023 | IZWT Kolloquium, University of Wuppertal (invited)
What empirical network analysis can do for philosophy of science: The case of model transfer
2022 | 10th Conference of the European Society for the History of Science; part of the symposium: Science policies and scientific collaboration, Brussels
Not More than Exchanging Tools: Early Encounters Between Mathematical Economists and the Behavioral Sciences Movement, 1950-56
2022 | Lake Workshop 'From Models to Decisions, 2022, Castelvecciana, (invited keynote speaker)
What empirical network analysis can do for philosophy of science: The case of model transfer
2022 | Conceptual Engineering Seminar Series, University of Zurich and University of St. Andrews, (invited) [here is the video]
Thick concepts in economics
2022 | Institute of Philosophy, University of Bern, (invited)
Thick concepts in economics
2022 | Institute of Philosophy, ETH, (invited)
Empirically studying model transfer in science: Some methodological reflections
2022 | Lecture in Gender Studies, University of Zurich, (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie?
2022 | CRASSH, University of Cambridge, (invited)
Why do women leave philosophy?
2022 | Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, (invited)
What empirical network analysis could offer to Integrated HPS
2022 | LOGOS Colloquium, University of Barcelona, (invited)
Thick concepts in economics
2022 | ModelSEN Workshop, Max-Planck Institute of the History of Science, (invited)
Applications of Network Analysis in the History of Economics (presenter: Malte Doehne)
2021 | History of Economics Conference, University of Utrecht [here is the video]
Rational choice theories at the Cowles Commission, 1944-1955
2021 | History of Economics Conference, University of Utrecht [here is the video]
The role of narratives in transferring rational choice models from economics into political science (presenter: Alexandra Quack)
2021 | International Workshop on Interdisciplinarity and Philosophy of Science,' National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (invited)
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS
2021 | Workshop on 'Thick Concepts in the Philosophy of Science', University of Hannover (invited keynote)
Thick Concepts in Economics
2021 | Economics Department, New York University, (invited)
Rational choice theories at the Cowles Commission, 1944-1960
2021 | INEM Conference, Arizona State University
The many faces of rational choice theory
2021 | Workshop on 'Framing Innovation in a Networked World: An Interdisciplinary Workshop,' (invited keynote)
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS (with Malte Doehne)
2021 | Workshop on 'Narrative in Economics: Historical Experiences', London School of Economics
The role of narratives in transferring rational choice models from economics into political science (with Alexandra Quack)
2021 | History of Economic Thought Lecture Series, Stanford University, (invited)
A history of rational choice theory in economics
2021 | Research Forum, University of Bayreuth, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2021 | British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Meeting, University of Kent
Crossing domains: The role of translation in cross-disciplinary model transfer
2021 | British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Meeting, University of Kent
Challenges to methodology transfer in science and philosophy (with Dunja Šešelja)
2021 | Institute of Philosophy, University of Göttingen, (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie? Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie
2021 | SDAC Guest Lecture Series, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (invited) [Here is the video]
The diversity of rational choice theory
2021 | Digital Lunch Seminar "META Lecture", Polytechnic University of Milan (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2021 | PPE Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Lucerne (invited)
Die vielen Gesichter der Theorie rationalen Entscheidens
2021 | Conference on Digital Studies of Digital Science, UC Louvain
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS (with Malte Doehne)
2021 | Workshop: Transdisciplinary Model Transfer and its Interfaces, University of Vienna (invited)
Crossing domains: The role of translation in cross-disciplinary model transfer
2021 | Economics Department, George Mason University (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2021 | Colloquium on the Foundations of the Market Order, Leipzig University (invited)
Rational choice theories at the Cowles Commission, 1944-1960
2021 | Philosophy & Ethics Kolloquium, TU Eindhoven, (invited)
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS
2021 | Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz University of Hannover, (invited)
Thick concepts in economics: The case of Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy's 'Theory of Rational Addiction' (with Charles Djordjevic)
2020 | Perspectives on Science Seminar, University of Helsinki, (invited)
Thick concepts in economics: The case of Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy's 'Theory of Rational Addiction' (with Charles Djordjevic)
2020 | Lunch Seminar, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, (invited)
How academic opinion leaders shape the adoption of scientific ideas: Early engagement with the ‘Theory of Games and Economic Behavior’ at the Cowles Commission, 1944-1955
2020 | ENPOSS Conference
The evaluative aspect of the concept of addiction in economics: The case of Gary Becker (with Charles Djordjevic)
2020 | Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations, San Diego
'Let's formalize behavior': The early adoption of rational choice theories at the Cowles Commission, 1944-1965
2020 | Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations, San Diego
Symposium discussion: Are we all behavioral economists now?
2019 | Institute of Philosophy, University of Basel, (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie? Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie
2019 | Workshop on Cailin O'Connor's 'The Origins of Unfairness and Related Methodological Issues', University of Zurich
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS
2019 | Biennial Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Science, University of Geneva
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in the spread of scientific innovations
2019 | Biannual Conference of the International Network for Economic Methodology, University of Helsinki
The evaluative aspect of the concept of addiction in economics: The case of Gary Becker (with Charles Djordjevic).
2019 | Workshop on Inclusivity in the Philosophy Classroom, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, (invited)
Why Female Philosophy Students Drop Out of Philosophy and What We Could Do About It: First Results of an Explorative Study
2019 | Workshop on Objectivity in Social Research, University of Bergen, Norway, (invited)
The evaluative aspect of the concept of addiction in economics: The case of Gary Becker (with Charles Djordjevic).
2019 | Institute of Philosophy, University of Geneva, (invited)
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in the spread of scientific innovations
2019 | University of Freiburg (CH), (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie? Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie
2019 | Institute of Philosophy, University of Neuchâtel (CH), (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2019 | Department of Philosophy, Duke University
The many faces of rational choice theory
2019 | Lunch Seminar, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University
Not more than exchanging tools: early encounters between mathematical economists and the Behavioral Sciences Movement
2019 | Annual Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science, University of Cologne
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in the spread of scientific innovations
2018 | Workshop on Concept Formation in the Natural and Social Sciences, University of Zurich
The evaluative aspect of the concept of addiction in economics: The case of Gary Becker (collaborator and presenter Charles Djordjevic).
2018 | Workshop on Science as FACTory, University of Vienna, (invited)
The evaluative aspect of the concept of addiction in economics: The case of Gary Becker (collaborator and presenter Charles Djordjevic).
2018 | The European Network for Philosophy of the Social Sciences/The Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable, University of Hannover
Can the rationality principle be understood as a functional a priori principle?
2018 | Computational Modeling in Philosophy, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Conflicts of interest in science (collaborator and presenter Malte Doehne, UZH)
2018 | Society for Women in Philosophy - Switzerland, (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie? Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie
2018 | Learning from Empirical Approaches to HPS, University of Pittsburg
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2018 | PPE Lecture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2018 | PPE Workshop, George Mason University, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2017 | Colloquium at the Chair for Political Philosophy, University of Zurich (UZH), (invited)
Explaining patterns, not details: Reevaluating rational choice models in light of their explananda
2017 | Workshop on 'Hard Choices and Rational Choice', University of Bern, (invited keynote lecture)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2017 | Colloquium at the Chair for Science Studies, ETH Zurich, (invited)
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in the spread of scientific innovations
2017 | Workshop on the 'Historiography of Recent Economics', University of Lausanne, (invited)
Applying social network analysis in the history of economics (with François Claveau, Sherbrooke University)
2017 | Workshop 'Theories of Rationality', University of Bonn, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2017 | British Society for Philosophy of Science - Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in the spread of scientific innovations
2017 | History of Economics Conference, University of Toronto
Applying social network analysis in the history of economics (presented by François Claveau, Sherbrooke University)
2017 | Faculty of Philosophy and Education, University of Vienna
The many faces of rational choice theory
2017 | Annual Conference, European Society for the History of Economic Thought
Five reasons for why network analysis can be fruitful for the history of economics (presented by Malte Doehne, UZH)
2016 | Ringvorlesung zur Einführung in die Philosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie
2016 | Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, (invited)
Using social network analysis in philosophy
2016 | INEM/CHESS Summer School on Philosophy and Economics, San Sebastian (two invited lectures)
Reappraising rational choice theory in the context of economic practices
2016 | 6th International Conference on Integrated History and Philosophy of Science, University of Edinburgh
Imagination rather than observation in econometrics: Ragnar Frisch’s hypothetical experiments
2016 | History of Economics Conference, Duke University
“Let’s formalize behavior”: The diffusion of rational choice theories, 1944-1965 (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2016 | 3rd Annual Conference on the History for the Recent Social Sciences, London School of Economics
Not more than exchanging tools: early encounters between mathematical economists and the Behavioral Sciences Movement
2016 | 20th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne
Turning towards normative choice models in the early Cold War years: The case of Cowles
2016 | Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zurich
How knowledge travels: the case of rational choice theories
2016 | Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie, University of Düsseldorf
The diffusion of scientific innovations: A role typology (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2016 | Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality, Hebrew University, (invited)
How theories travel: The case of the Theory of Games, 1944-1970 (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2016 | Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations, San Francisco
Imagination rather than observation in econometrics: Ragnar Frisch’s hypothetical experiments
2015 | Society for Women in Philosophy Germany Meeting, LMU Munich, (invited)
Do female-only events have a (positive) effect in mathematical philosophy? Results from a summer school
(collaborator and presenter: Elizabeth Rosas)
2015 | Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Hannover, (invited)
Die Theorie rationalen Entscheidens: Ausprägungen und Nutzen in der Geschichte der Volkswirtschaftslehre
2015 | Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics, University of Rotterdam, (invited)
How theories travel: The case of the Theory of Games, 1944-1970 (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2015 | Workshop on Studying Knowledge Transfer and its Contexts, CAS at LMU Munich
How theories travel: The case of the Theory of Games, 1944-1970 (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2015 | Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, University of Helsinki
The diffusion of scientific theories: Network topologies and the role of the translator (collaborator and presenter: Malte Döhne)
2015 | Work in Progress Seminar, MCMP
The adoption, diffusion and spread of scientific theories: The case of The Theory of Games, 1944-1970
2015 | Lunch Talk, Center for Advanced Study at LMU Munich
Flexible concepts, unsettled axioms: How rational choice theories entered the social sciences in the Post War era
2015 | History of Economics Society Annual Conference, Michigan State University
Shall we collaborate and if so, with whom? Jacob Marschak and the early years of the Behavioral Sciences Movement, 1950-56
2015 | Workshop on History of Recent Economics as History of Science; École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, (invited)
Shall we collaborate and if so, with whom? Jacob Marschak and the early years of the Behavioral Sciences Movement, 1950-56
2015 | Ringvorlesung, Wittener Institut für Institutionellen Wandel, Witten/Herdecke University, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2015 | Conference, Economizing Mind, 1870-2015: When Economics and Psychology Met . . . or Didn't, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, (invited)
Economics and the ‘Behavioral Sciences Movement’: Jacob Marschak’s year at the Center of Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
2015 | Arbeitstagung on Independence in Research, University of Hannover - Germany, (invited)
Interessenkonflikte in der Wissenschaft: Implikationen für Konsensbildung und ‚epistemic peerhood’ (with Lee Elkin and Stephan Hartmann)
2015 | Research Seminar, Economics Department, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, (invited)
Between the ‘logic of choice’ and the behavioral sciences: The emergence of rational choice theories in the 1950s
2015 | Workshop on Social Simulation, University of Bayreuth, (invited)
“Let’s formalize behavior”: The diffusion of rational choice theories in the American social sciences, 1944-1965 (collaborator and presenter: Malte Döhne)
2015 | Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations, Boston
Between the ‘logic of choice’ and the behavioral sciences: The emergence of rational choice theories in the 1950s
2014 | 1st Witten Conference on Institutional Change: Money, Credit & Banking - The Austrian Economics Perspective on Financial Crises, Witten/Herdecke University
The economist’s persisting commitment to methodological rationalism
2014 | Workshop, Decisions, Groups, and Networks, MCMP and CAS at LMU Munich
“Let’s formalize behavior”: The diffusion of rational choice theories in the American social sciences, 1944-1965 (with Malte Döhne)
2014 | British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference, University of St. Andrews
Between economics and the behavioral sciences: Marschak and the emergence of rational choice theories in the 1940s and 1950s
2014 | Research Colloquium, Perspektiven in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Chair for the History of Science, LMU, (invited)
Defining the rules of rationality: Jacob Marschak and the normative turn in economics, 1943-1954
2014 | History of Economics Society Annual Conference, Université du Québec à Montréal; plenary talk for the Joseph Dorfman Best Dissertation Prize, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2014 | History of Economics Society Annual Conference, Université du Québec à Montréal
Defining the rules of rationality: Jacob Marschak and the normative turn in economics, 1943-1954
2014 | History of Recent Economics Conference (HISRECO), University of Siena, (invited)
Has there been a normative turn in early post-war economics? Jacob Marschak and the Cowles Commission, 1944-1954
2014 | Lunch Seminar, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, (invited)
Has there been a normative turn in early post-war economics? Jacob Marschak and the Cowles Commission, 1944-1954
2014 | Research Seminar in the History and Methodology of Economics, Utrecht School of Economics and the Nijmegen School of Management, (invited)
Has there been a normative turn in early post-war economics? Jacob Marschak and the Cowles Commission, 1944-1954
2013 | Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice – Fourth Biennial Conference, Toronto
An argument for ‘local critique’ in philosophy of economics: The case of rational choice theory
2013 | XI. Conference for the International Network of Economic Method, University of Rotterdam
An argument for ‘local critique’ in philosophy of economics: The case of rational choice theory
2013 | Lunch Talk, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University
Axiomatic choice theory traveling between mathematical formalism, normative choice rules, and psychological measurement, 1944-1956
2011 | Graduate Workshop, Witten/Herdecke University
An argument for appraising rational choice theory as a research program
2011 | Conference on “What Makes Us Moral?,” University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
The importance of commitment for morality: How Harry Frankfurt can enrich economic models (with Katrien Schaubroeck)
2009 | Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research, University of Lisbon
How good are economists’ explanations of cooperation?
2006 | 2nd Graduate-Conference on Philosophy of the Social Sciences, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
How to cope with new problems of collective action?
June 2025 | Leibniz Center for Science and Society, Leibniz University Hannover, (invited)
April 2025 | Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich, (invited)
April 2025 | Society for the Social Studies of Quantification, (invited)
March 2025 | 10th Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Conference, California Institute of Technology
Enhancing the function of case studies: the value of network analysis in integrated history and philosophy of science
February 2025 | Workshop on “Adverse Allies: Logical Empiricism and Austrian Economics,” University of Vienna, (invited)
December 2024 | Center for Higher Education and Science Studies, CHESS Lecture, University of Zurich, (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie?
November 2024 | PSA 29th Biennal Meeting, New Orleans, (poster presentation)
Challenges to model transfer in science
November 2024 | Lunch Seminar, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, (invited)
Model Transfer in the Recent History of Economics: The Case of Rational Choice Models
2024 | XXVI. Deutschen Kongress für Philosophie, University of Münster
Challenges to Model Transfer in Science
2024 | History of Science Research Colloquium, LMU Munich, (invited)
Model transfer in the history of science: The case of game theory
2024 | Philosophy and History of Science Research Colloquium, Technical University Berlin, (invited)
Model transfer in science
2024 | Research Colloquium for Philosophy and History of Science, Ruhr-University Bochum, (invited)
Studying model transfer in science
2024 | Conference "Is Philosophy Useful for Science, and/or Vice versa?", Chapman University, (invited); (here is the video)
Is science useful for philosophy? The case of studying model transfer.
2023 | Social Networks Lab, ETH Zürich, (invited)
Studying model transfer in science
2023 | Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung "Wie entsteht Neues?", University of Zurich, (invited)
Wie entsteht Neues? Potentiale und Herausforderungen von Modelltransfer in der Wissenschaft
2023 | Online Workshop 'Epistemic Transfer', Society for the History of the Humanities, (invited)
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in model transfer
2023 | Forums for Interdisciplinary Dialogue, University of Helsinki, (invited) (here is the video)
Progress in economics (with Marcel Boumans)
2023 | Workshop 'Modelling Knowledge and Evolution of Science', Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, (invited)
The roles of scientific contributions in the transfer of knowledge: Some methodological reflections
2023 | Symposium on 'Framing Digital Philosophy of Science', EPSA23, Belgrade (here is the video)
What empirical network analysis can do for philosophy of science: The case of model transfer
2023 | Online Workshop on Methods in Philosophy of Science, University of Exeter/University of Vienna, (invited)
Bibliometric methods in philosophy of science
2023 | Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz University of Hannover
What empirical network analysis can do for philosophy of science: The case of model transfer
2023 | Philosophy Department, University of Mainz, (invited)
Empirische Netzwerkanalyse als eine Methode der Wissenschaftsphilosophie
2023 | INEM Conference, University of Venice
Book Symposium on "How Economics Can Save the World" (w. Erik Angner, Francesco Guala, Don Ross and Jack Vromen)
2023 | Conference on 'Big Data and the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Toronto [here is the link to the video]
What empirical network analysis can do for philosophy of science: The case of model transfer
2023 | Philosophy Department, Ghent University (invited)
Progress in economics
2023 | IZWT Kolloquium, University of Wuppertal (invited)
What empirical network analysis can do for philosophy of science: The case of model transfer
2022 | 10th Conference of the European Society for the History of Science; part of the symposium: Science policies and scientific collaboration, Brussels
Not More than Exchanging Tools: Early Encounters Between Mathematical Economists and the Behavioral Sciences Movement, 1950-56
2022 | Lake Workshop 'From Models to Decisions, 2022, Castelvecciana, (invited keynote speaker)
What empirical network analysis can do for philosophy of science: The case of model transfer
2022 | Conceptual Engineering Seminar Series, University of Zurich and University of St. Andrews, (invited) [here is the video]
Thick concepts in economics
2022 | Institute of Philosophy, University of Bern, (invited)
Thick concepts in economics
2022 | Institute of Philosophy, ETH, (invited)
Empirically studying model transfer in science: Some methodological reflections
2022 | Lecture in Gender Studies, University of Zurich, (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie?
2022 | CRASSH, University of Cambridge, (invited)
Why do women leave philosophy?
2022 | Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, (invited)
What empirical network analysis could offer to Integrated HPS
2022 | LOGOS Colloquium, University of Barcelona, (invited)
Thick concepts in economics
2022 | ModelSEN Workshop, Max-Planck Institute of the History of Science, (invited)
Applications of Network Analysis in the History of Economics (presenter: Malte Doehne)
2021 | History of Economics Conference, University of Utrecht [here is the video]
Rational choice theories at the Cowles Commission, 1944-1955
2021 | History of Economics Conference, University of Utrecht [here is the video]
The role of narratives in transferring rational choice models from economics into political science (presenter: Alexandra Quack)
2021 | International Workshop on Interdisciplinarity and Philosophy of Science,' National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (invited)
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS
2021 | Workshop on 'Thick Concepts in the Philosophy of Science', University of Hannover (invited keynote)
Thick Concepts in Economics
2021 | Economics Department, New York University, (invited)
Rational choice theories at the Cowles Commission, 1944-1960
2021 | INEM Conference, Arizona State University
The many faces of rational choice theory
2021 | Workshop on 'Framing Innovation in a Networked World: An Interdisciplinary Workshop,' (invited keynote)
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS (with Malte Doehne)
2021 | Workshop on 'Narrative in Economics: Historical Experiences', London School of Economics
The role of narratives in transferring rational choice models from economics into political science (with Alexandra Quack)
2021 | History of Economic Thought Lecture Series, Stanford University, (invited)
A history of rational choice theory in economics
2021 | Research Forum, University of Bayreuth, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2021 | British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Meeting, University of Kent
Crossing domains: The role of translation in cross-disciplinary model transfer
2021 | British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Meeting, University of Kent
Challenges to methodology transfer in science and philosophy (with Dunja Šešelja)
2021 | Institute of Philosophy, University of Göttingen, (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie? Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie
2021 | SDAC Guest Lecture Series, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (invited) [Here is the video]
The diversity of rational choice theory
2021 | Digital Lunch Seminar "META Lecture", Polytechnic University of Milan (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2021 | PPE Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Lucerne (invited)
Die vielen Gesichter der Theorie rationalen Entscheidens
2021 | Conference on Digital Studies of Digital Science, UC Louvain
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS (with Malte Doehne)
2021 | Workshop: Transdisciplinary Model Transfer and its Interfaces, University of Vienna (invited)
Crossing domains: The role of translation in cross-disciplinary model transfer
2021 | Economics Department, George Mason University (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2021 | Colloquium on the Foundations of the Market Order, Leipzig University (invited)
Rational choice theories at the Cowles Commission, 1944-1960
2021 | Philosophy & Ethics Kolloquium, TU Eindhoven, (invited)
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS
2021 | Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz University of Hannover, (invited)
Thick concepts in economics: The case of Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy's 'Theory of Rational Addiction' (with Charles Djordjevic)
2020 | Perspectives on Science Seminar, University of Helsinki, (invited)
Thick concepts in economics: The case of Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy's 'Theory of Rational Addiction' (with Charles Djordjevic)
2020 | Lunch Seminar, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, (invited)
How academic opinion leaders shape the adoption of scientific ideas: Early engagement with the ‘Theory of Games and Economic Behavior’ at the Cowles Commission, 1944-1955
2020 | ENPOSS Conference
The evaluative aspect of the concept of addiction in economics: The case of Gary Becker (with Charles Djordjevic)
2020 | Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations, San Diego
'Let's formalize behavior': The early adoption of rational choice theories at the Cowles Commission, 1944-1965
2020 | Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations, San Diego
Symposium discussion: Are we all behavioral economists now?
2019 | Institute of Philosophy, University of Basel, (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie? Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie
2019 | Workshop on Cailin O'Connor's 'The Origins of Unfairness and Related Methodological Issues', University of Zurich
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS
2019 | Biennial Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Science, University of Geneva
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in the spread of scientific innovations
2019 | Biannual Conference of the International Network for Economic Methodology, University of Helsinki
The evaluative aspect of the concept of addiction in economics: The case of Gary Becker (with Charles Djordjevic).
2019 | Workshop on Inclusivity in the Philosophy Classroom, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, (invited)
Why Female Philosophy Students Drop Out of Philosophy and What We Could Do About It: First Results of an Explorative Study
2019 | Workshop on Objectivity in Social Research, University of Bergen, Norway, (invited)
The evaluative aspect of the concept of addiction in economics: The case of Gary Becker (with Charles Djordjevic).
2019 | Institute of Philosophy, University of Geneva, (invited)
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in the spread of scientific innovations
2019 | University of Freiburg (CH), (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie? Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie
2019 | Institute of Philosophy, University of Neuchâtel (CH), (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2019 | Department of Philosophy, Duke University
The many faces of rational choice theory
2019 | Lunch Seminar, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University
Not more than exchanging tools: early encounters between mathematical economists and the Behavioral Sciences Movement
2019 | Annual Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science, University of Cologne
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in the spread of scientific innovations
2018 | Workshop on Concept Formation in the Natural and Social Sciences, University of Zurich
The evaluative aspect of the concept of addiction in economics: The case of Gary Becker (collaborator and presenter Charles Djordjevic).
2018 | Workshop on Science as FACTory, University of Vienna, (invited)
The evaluative aspect of the concept of addiction in economics: The case of Gary Becker (collaborator and presenter Charles Djordjevic).
2018 | The European Network for Philosophy of the Social Sciences/The Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable, University of Hannover
Can the rationality principle be understood as a functional a priori principle?
2018 | Computational Modeling in Philosophy, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Conflicts of interest in science (collaborator and presenter Malte Doehne, UZH)
2018 | Society for Women in Philosophy - Switzerland, (invited)
Warum verlassen Frauen die Philosophie? Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie
2018 | Learning from Empirical Approaches to HPS, University of Pittsburg
What empirical network analysis could offer to research in Integrated HPS (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2018 | PPE Lecture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2018 | PPE Workshop, George Mason University, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2017 | Colloquium at the Chair for Political Philosophy, University of Zurich (UZH), (invited)
Explaining patterns, not details: Reevaluating rational choice models in light of their explananda
2017 | Workshop on 'Hard Choices and Rational Choice', University of Bern, (invited keynote lecture)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2017 | Colloquium at the Chair for Science Studies, ETH Zurich, (invited)
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in the spread of scientific innovations
2017 | Workshop on the 'Historiography of Recent Economics', University of Lausanne, (invited)
Applying social network analysis in the history of economics (with François Claveau, Sherbrooke University)
2017 | Workshop 'Theories of Rationality', University of Bonn, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2017 | British Society for Philosophy of Science - Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh
Crossing domains: The role of the translator in the spread of scientific innovations
2017 | History of Economics Conference, University of Toronto
Applying social network analysis in the history of economics (presented by François Claveau, Sherbrooke University)
2017 | Faculty of Philosophy and Education, University of Vienna
The many faces of rational choice theory
2017 | Annual Conference, European Society for the History of Economic Thought
Five reasons for why network analysis can be fruitful for the history of economics (presented by Malte Doehne, UZH)
2016 | Ringvorlesung zur Einführung in die Philosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie
2016 | Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, (invited)
Using social network analysis in philosophy
2016 | INEM/CHESS Summer School on Philosophy and Economics, San Sebastian (two invited lectures)
Reappraising rational choice theory in the context of economic practices
2016 | 6th International Conference on Integrated History and Philosophy of Science, University of Edinburgh
Imagination rather than observation in econometrics: Ragnar Frisch’s hypothetical experiments
2016 | History of Economics Conference, Duke University
“Let’s formalize behavior”: The diffusion of rational choice theories, 1944-1965 (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2016 | 3rd Annual Conference on the History for the Recent Social Sciences, London School of Economics
Not more than exchanging tools: early encounters between mathematical economists and the Behavioral Sciences Movement
2016 | 20th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne
Turning towards normative choice models in the early Cold War years: The case of Cowles
2016 | Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zurich
How knowledge travels: the case of rational choice theories
2016 | Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie, University of Düsseldorf
The diffusion of scientific innovations: A role typology (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2016 | Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality, Hebrew University, (invited)
How theories travel: The case of the Theory of Games, 1944-1970 (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2016 | Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations, San Francisco
Imagination rather than observation in econometrics: Ragnar Frisch’s hypothetical experiments
2015 | Society for Women in Philosophy Germany Meeting, LMU Munich, (invited)
Do female-only events have a (positive) effect in mathematical philosophy? Results from a summer school
(collaborator and presenter: Elizabeth Rosas)
2015 | Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Hannover, (invited)
Die Theorie rationalen Entscheidens: Ausprägungen und Nutzen in der Geschichte der Volkswirtschaftslehre
2015 | Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics, University of Rotterdam, (invited)
How theories travel: The case of the Theory of Games, 1944-1970 (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2015 | Workshop on Studying Knowledge Transfer and its Contexts, CAS at LMU Munich
How theories travel: The case of the Theory of Games, 1944-1970 (with Malte Doehne, UZH)
2015 | Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, University of Helsinki
The diffusion of scientific theories: Network topologies and the role of the translator (collaborator and presenter: Malte Döhne)
2015 | Work in Progress Seminar, MCMP
The adoption, diffusion and spread of scientific theories: The case of The Theory of Games, 1944-1970
2015 | Lunch Talk, Center for Advanced Study at LMU Munich
Flexible concepts, unsettled axioms: How rational choice theories entered the social sciences in the Post War era
2015 | History of Economics Society Annual Conference, Michigan State University
Shall we collaborate and if so, with whom? Jacob Marschak and the early years of the Behavioral Sciences Movement, 1950-56
2015 | Workshop on History of Recent Economics as History of Science; École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, (invited)
Shall we collaborate and if so, with whom? Jacob Marschak and the early years of the Behavioral Sciences Movement, 1950-56
2015 | Ringvorlesung, Wittener Institut für Institutionellen Wandel, Witten/Herdecke University, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2015 | Conference, Economizing Mind, 1870-2015: When Economics and Psychology Met . . . or Didn't, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, (invited)
Economics and the ‘Behavioral Sciences Movement’: Jacob Marschak’s year at the Center of Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
2015 | Arbeitstagung on Independence in Research, University of Hannover - Germany, (invited)
Interessenkonflikte in der Wissenschaft: Implikationen für Konsensbildung und ‚epistemic peerhood’ (with Lee Elkin and Stephan Hartmann)
2015 | Research Seminar, Economics Department, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, (invited)
Between the ‘logic of choice’ and the behavioral sciences: The emergence of rational choice theories in the 1950s
2015 | Workshop on Social Simulation, University of Bayreuth, (invited)
“Let’s formalize behavior”: The diffusion of rational choice theories in the American social sciences, 1944-1965 (collaborator and presenter: Malte Döhne)
2015 | Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations, Boston
Between the ‘logic of choice’ and the behavioral sciences: The emergence of rational choice theories in the 1950s
2014 | 1st Witten Conference on Institutional Change: Money, Credit & Banking - The Austrian Economics Perspective on Financial Crises, Witten/Herdecke University
The economist’s persisting commitment to methodological rationalism
2014 | Workshop, Decisions, Groups, and Networks, MCMP and CAS at LMU Munich
“Let’s formalize behavior”: The diffusion of rational choice theories in the American social sciences, 1944-1965 (with Malte Döhne)
2014 | British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference, University of St. Andrews
Between economics and the behavioral sciences: Marschak and the emergence of rational choice theories in the 1940s and 1950s
2014 | Research Colloquium, Perspektiven in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Chair for the History of Science, LMU, (invited)
Defining the rules of rationality: Jacob Marschak and the normative turn in economics, 1943-1954
2014 | History of Economics Society Annual Conference, Université du Québec à Montréal; plenary talk for the Joseph Dorfman Best Dissertation Prize, (invited)
The many faces of rational choice theory
2014 | History of Economics Society Annual Conference, Université du Québec à Montréal
Defining the rules of rationality: Jacob Marschak and the normative turn in economics, 1943-1954
2014 | History of Recent Economics Conference (HISRECO), University of Siena, (invited)
Has there been a normative turn in early post-war economics? Jacob Marschak and the Cowles Commission, 1944-1954
2014 | Lunch Seminar, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, (invited)
Has there been a normative turn in early post-war economics? Jacob Marschak and the Cowles Commission, 1944-1954
2014 | Research Seminar in the History and Methodology of Economics, Utrecht School of Economics and the Nijmegen School of Management, (invited)
Has there been a normative turn in early post-war economics? Jacob Marschak and the Cowles Commission, 1944-1954
2013 | Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice – Fourth Biennial Conference, Toronto
An argument for ‘local critique’ in philosophy of economics: The case of rational choice theory
2013 | XI. Conference for the International Network of Economic Method, University of Rotterdam
An argument for ‘local critique’ in philosophy of economics: The case of rational choice theory
2013 | Lunch Talk, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University
Axiomatic choice theory traveling between mathematical formalism, normative choice rules, and psychological measurement, 1944-1956
2011 | Graduate Workshop, Witten/Herdecke University
An argument for appraising rational choice theory as a research program
2011 | Conference on “What Makes Us Moral?,” University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
The importance of commitment for morality: How Harry Frankfurt can enrich economic models (with Katrien Schaubroeck)
2009 | Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research, University of Lisbon
How good are economists’ explanations of cooperation?
2006 | 2nd Graduate-Conference on Philosophy of the Social Sciences, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
How to cope with new problems of collective action?